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75 Soft

I am starting the 75 Soft Challenge today so I thought I would share with y'all the rules I will be living by. As someone with endometriosis, I have to do a lot more than the average person to lose weight. While I am down 13 pounds so far since I started taking things seriously this year my end is to lose 60 pounds. I don't want to focus too much on the number on the scale but want to focus on how my body looks and feels. I also am using this to work on consistency and having a routine.


  • Eat well and only drink on social occasions

  • Train for 45 minutes to an hour every day and one day for active recovery a week

  • Drink 3 liters of water a day (I really need to work on my water intake so this will be the hardest)

  • Read 50 pages of a book a day (10 is just not enough for me lol)

  • Write down one positive affirmation daily

Y'all know I love a challenge and love to push myself for new things so let's see how well this goes.

Love Always,


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