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An Intro

Updated: Mar 25, 2023

Here's a lil bit about me.

I'm a soon-to-be 30-year-old living in Houston, TX. I moved here from Brooklyn, NY, my home, my love, my favorite place. I came here to start a new life, explore a new place, and oh yea start graduate school lol. I'm currently getting my Masters in Social Work and hoping to eventually start my own organization. As you can see I love creating my own brand and own doing my own thing.

For those who care, I'm a Scorpio 🌞 (OVO) Aries 🌚 Capricorn Rising with my Venus in Libra. If you understand that sentence then you'll pretty much be able to sense the kind of person I am. I love astrology and am VERY spiritual. Besides being a mental health advocate, endometriosis warrior, and former plant mom I'm also a writer. Writing has always been an outlet for me and a way for me to connect with others. It's just so much easier for me to get thoughts down whether in a story, on paper, or online.

This isn't my first run at having a site. My first one was strictly a blog where I wrote about astrology, astronomy, love, and life. My second was the business I started during the COVID lockdown. I made and sold crystal jewelry (rose quarts, amethysts & such). I loved it so much and it solidified how much of a business owner/entrepreneur I really am. Running your own e-commerce business is no joke and I would like to say I did a pretty good job. Sorry if I'm coming boasting but I've never been one to acknowledge and be proud of myself so I'm trying something new this year.

This is my latest rebrand. Still VanessaClair. Now I'm not limiting myself. I love many things and have many passions in life. And I plan on exploring all of them. Books and writing are my number one loves. And I wanted one place to include all my thoughts on the books I read, on the social justice issues that are close to my heart, some wellness, and all updates on life.

If you want to connect, talk and chat. Feel free to reach out, whenever!

Love Always,


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