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Mind. Body. It's All Connected.

Updated: Jan 6

We know that typically our mind and body are treated separately. People finally realize how important it is to treat the mind and body together. The mind-body connection is the link between a person’s thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and physical health. Holistic medicine truly embodies the mind-body connection. Holistic medicine treats the whole person and not just symptoms.

Stress is one of the main things a mind-body connection helps with. Gastrointestinal disorders, sleep problems, high blood pressure, and chronic pain are a few conditions that can be worsened by high levels of untreated stress. When our brain perceives a threat, our bodies experience a stream of different physiological processes. Our sympathetic nervous system then shifts into what is known as “fight, flight, freeze, or fawn”. This tries to prepare to fight off the danger, flee for safety, “play dead”, or try to please to avoid any conflict. Our adrenal glands then release the stress hormones, adrenaline, and cortisol into the body. When this happens, the heart races, and the breathing rate increases giving a short-term energy boost.

Repeated activation of our emergency response system can have a big and serious impact on our bodies. Our immunity system is suppressed, inflammation occurs throughout the body, and this can cause depressed mood and fatigue. Negative thinking patterns and a negative inner voice can make it more difficult to deal with our health problems. That is where mind-body therapies come in to help. 

Mind-body therapies, such as, traditional Chinese medicine, are healing techniques that promote relaxation and encourage mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply living in the present. You are more intentional, more aware, and more awake to each moment. You are also more fully engaged in what is happening in your surroundings. People can have more acceptance and without judgment.

Some helpful mind-body therapy techniques are:

  • Acupuncture

  • Art Therapy

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Group Therapy 

  • Guided Imagery 

  • Meditation

  • Music Therapy

  • Qigong

  • Tai Chi 

  • Yoga

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Spiritual Practices

I hope you all can start to incorporate some mind-body techniques into your daily practice.

Love Always,


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